I want to display a specific view as a field in nodes. It’s the same view for all nodes of this type, making use of the contextual filter "Content ID from URL".
I found two solutions using contributed modules:
EVA: Entity Views Attachment: it’s specifically for this use case
(there is also Viewfield, but that’s still in alpha)Display Suite: it’s not its primary use case, but makes it possible by adding a "block field", where you can select the block generated by the view
Assuming that Display Suite is installed anyway (installing it just for this use case would be overkill, I guess), is one solution better than the other? Both seem to work fine, but I’m thinking of possible issues I can’t foresee now, like performance impact or compatibility with the Drupal ecosystem.
for what you need. See my steps to add it as it is quite simple. We have been using it for multiple views.