I use ZURB theme and following I post the code of my template.php file.

My problem is, that type="application/ld+json" in <script type="application/ld+json"> gets stripped out so it is rendered as just <script>.

The problem with this is that I can't add structured markup to any pages.

To reproduce just insert jsonld script in any way (third party module or using custom fields for nodes) and display it with a zurb theme.

The same issue has already been reported for ZEN: https://www.drupal.org/project/zen/issues/2934644

To I have to adapt my template.php in a similar way as suggested in the ZEN patch in terms of not stripping out JSON-ld?

Here is my template.php


 * Implements template_preprocess_html().
//function gonzo_preprocess_html(&$variables) {
//  // Add conditional CSS for IE. To use uncomment below and add IE css file
//  drupal_add_css(path_to_theme() . '/css/ie.css', array('weight' => CSS_THEME, 'browsers' => array('!IE' => FALSE), 'preprocess' => FALSE));
//  // Need legacy support for IE downgrade to Foundation 2 or use JS file below
//  // drupal_add_js('http://ie7-js.googlecode.com/svn/version/2.1(beta4)/IE7.js', 'external');

 * Implements template_preprocess_page
//function gonzo_preprocess_page(&$variables) {

 * Implements template_preprocess_node
//function gonzo_preprocess_node(&$variables) {

 * Implements hook_preprocess_block()
//function gonzo_preprocess_block(&$variables) {
//  // Add wrapping div with global class to all block content sections.
//  $variables['content_attributes_array']['class'][] = 'block-content';
//  // Convenience variable for classes based on block ID
//  $block_id = $variables['block']->module . '-' . $variables['block']->delta;
//  // Add classes based on a specific block
//  switch ($block_id) {
//    // System Navigation block
//    case 'system-navigation':
//      // Custom class for entire block
//      $variables['classes_array'][] = 'system-nav';
//      // Custom class for block title
//      $variables['title_attributes_array']['class'][] = 'system-nav-title';
//      // Wrapping div with custom class for block content
//      $variables['content_attributes_array']['class'] = 'system-nav-content';
//      break;
//    // User Login block
//    case 'user-login':
//      // Hide title
//      $variables['title_attributes_array']['class'][] = 'element-invisible';
//      break;
//    // Example of adding Foundation classes
//    case 'block-foo': // Target the block ID
//      // Set grid column or mobile classes or anything else you want.
//      $variables['classes_array'][] = 'six columns';
//      break;
//  }
//  // Add template suggestions for blocks from specific modules.
//  switch($variables['elements']['#block']->module) {
//    case 'menu':
//      $variables['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'block__nav';
//    break;
//  }

//function gonzo_preprocess_views_view(&$variables) {

 * Implements template_preprocess_panels_pane().
//function gonzo_preprocess_panels_pane(&$variables) {

 * Implements template_preprocess_views_views_fields().
//function gonzo_preprocess_views_view_fields(&$variables) {

 * Implements theme_form_element_label()
 * Use foundation tooltips
//function gonzo_form_element_label($variables) {
//  if (!empty($variables['element']['#title'])) {
//    $variables['element']['#title'] = '<span class="secondary label">' . $variables['element']['#title'] . '</span>';
//  }
//  if (!empty($variables['element']['#description'])) {
//    $variables['element']['#description'] = ' <span data-tooltip="top" class="has-tip tip-top" data-width="250" title="' . $variables['element']['#description'] . '">' . t('More information?') . '</span>';
//  }
//  return theme_form_element_label($variables);

 * Implements hook_preprocess_button().
//function gonzo_preprocess_button(&$variables) {
//  $variables['element']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'button';
//  if (isset($variables['element']['#parents'][0]) && $variables['element']['#parents'][0] == 'submit') {
//    $variables['element']['#attributes']['class'][] = 'secondary';
//  }

 * Implements hook_form_alter()
 * Example of using foundation sexy buttons
//function gonzo_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
//  // Sexy submit buttons
//  if (!empty($form['actions']) && !empty($form['actions']['submit'])) {
//    $classes = (is_array($form['actions']['submit']['#attributes']['class']))
//      ? $form['actions']['submit']['#attributes']['class']
//      : array();
//    $classes = array_merge($classes, array('secondary', 'button', 'radius'));
//    $form['actions']['submit']['#attributes']['class'] = $classes;
//  }

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter()
 * Example of using foundation sexy buttons on comment form
//function gonzo_form_comment_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  // Sexy preview buttons
//  $classes = (is_array($form['actions']['preview']['#attributes']['class']))
//    ? $form['actions']['preview']['#attributes']['class']
//    : array();
//  $classes = array_merge($classes, array('secondary', 'button', 'radius'));
//  $form['actions']['preview']['#attributes']['class'] = $classes;

 * Implements template_preprocess_panels_pane().
// function zurb_foundation_preprocess_panels_pane(&$variables) {
// }

* Implements template_preprocess_views_views_fields().
/* Delete me to enable
function THEMENAME_preprocess_views_view_fields(&$variables) {
 if ($variables['view']->name == 'nodequeue_1') {

   // Check if we have both an image and a summary
   if (isset($variables['fields']['field_image'])) {

     // If a combined field has been created, unset it and just show image
     if (isset($variables['fields']['nothing'])) {

   } elseif (isset($variables['fields']['title'])) {
     unset ($variables['fields']['title']);

   // Always unset the separate summary if set
   if (isset($variables['fields']['field_summary'])) {

// */

 * Implements hook_css_alter().
//function gonzo_css_alter(&$css) {
//  // Always remove base theme CSS.
//  $theme_path = drupal_get_path('theme', 'zurb_foundation');
//  foreach($css as $path => $values) {
//    if(strpos($path, $theme_path) === 0) {
//      unset($css[$path]);
//    }
//  }

 * Implements hook_js_alter().
//function gonzo_js_alter(&$js) {
//  // Always remove base theme JS.
//  $theme_path = drupal_get_path('theme', 'zurb_foundation');
//  foreach($js as $path => $values) {
//    if(strpos($path, $theme_path) === 0) {
//      unset($js[$path]);
//    }
//  }

// Enabling customized login form (attempt I)
// function gonzo_theme() {
//   $items = array();
//   $items['user_login'] = array(
//     'render element' => 'form',
//     'path' => drupal_get_path('theme', 'gonzo') . '/templates',
//     'template' => 'user-login',
//     'preprocess functions' => array(
//        'gonzo_preprocess_user_login'
//     ),
//   );
//    $items['user_register_form'] = array(
//      'render element' => 'form',
//      'path' => drupal_get_path('theme', 'gonzo') . '/templates',
//      'template' => 'user-register-form',
//      'preprocess functions' => array(
//        'gonzo_preprocess_user_register_form'
//      ),
//    );
//    $items['user_pass'] = array(
//      'render element' => 'form',
//      'path' => drupal_get_path('theme', 'gonzo') . '/templates',
//      'template' => 'user-pass',
//      'preprocess functions' => array(
//        'gonzo_preprocess_user_pass'
//      ),
//    );
//   return $items;
// }

// function gonzo_preprocess_user_login(&$vars) {
//   $vars['intro_text'] = t('This is my awesome login form');
// }

//  function gonzo_preprocess_user_register_form(&$vars) {
//    $vars['intro_text'] = t('This is my super awesome reg form');
//  }
//  function gonzo_preprocess_user_pass(&$vars) {
//    $vars['intro_text'] = t('This is my super awesome request new password form');
//  }

// Enabling customized login form attempt II
function gonzo_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
  //print_r($form) // This will display form elements.
  if($form_id == "user_login_block") {
      $form['actions']['submit']['#value']= "›";

// Enabling customized Teaser Display
function gonzo_preprocess_node(&$vars) {
  if($vars['view_mode'] == 'teaser') {
    $vars['theme_hook_suggestions'][] = 'node__' . $vars['node']->type . '__teaser';   

// Customizing visibilty radio buttons in edit/create form
// function theme_form_element (https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes!form.inc/function/theme_radios/7)
function gonzo_form_element($variables) {
  $element = &$variables ['element'];

  // This function is invoked as theme wrapper, but the rendered form element
  // may not necessarily have been processed by form_builder().
  $element += array(
    '#title_display' => 'before',

  // Add element #id for #type 'item'.
  if (isset($element ['#markup']) && !empty($element ['#id'])) {
    $attributes ['id'] = $element ['#id'];
  // Add element's #type and #name as class to aid with JS/CSS selectors.
  $attributes ['class'] = array('form-item');
  if (!empty($element ['#type'])) {
    $attributes ['class'][] = 'form-type-' . strtr($element ['#type'], '_', '-');
  if (!empty($element ['#name'])) {
    $attributes ['class'][] = 'form-item-' . strtr($element ['#name'], array(' ' => '-', '_' => '-', '[' => '-', ']' => ''));
  // Add a class for disabled elements to facilitate cross-browser styling.
  if (!empty($element ['#attributes']['disabled'])) {
    $attributes ['class'][] = 'form-disabled';

  // only prints the wrapper for elements that are not radio elements
  $output = '';
  if ($element['#type'] != 'radios' && $element['#type'] != 'radio') {
    $output = '<div' . drupal_attributes($attributes) . '>' . "\n";

  // If #title is not set, we don't display any label or required marker.
  if (!isset($element ['#title'])) {
    $element ['#title_display'] = 'none';
  $prefix = isset($element ['#field_prefix']) ? '<span class="field-prefix">' . $element ['#field_prefix'] . '</span> ' : '';
  $suffix = isset($element ['#field_suffix']) ? ' <span class="field-suffix">' . $element ['#field_suffix'] . '</span>' : '';

  switch ($element ['#title_display']) {
    case 'before':
    case 'invisible':
      $output .= ' ' . theme('form_element_label', $variables);
      $output .= ' ' . $prefix . $element ['#children'] . $suffix . "\n";

    case 'after':
      $output .= ' ' . $prefix . $element ['#children'] . $suffix;
      $output .= ' ' . theme('form_element_label', $variables) . "\n";

    if (strpos($element['#id'], 'edit-group-content-access-und') !== FALSE) {
      $output .= "<span class=\"switch-selection\"></span>\n";

    case 'none':
    case 'attribute':
      // Output no label and no required marker, only the children.
      $output .= ' ' . $prefix . $element ['#children'] . $suffix . "\n";

  if (!empty($element ['#description'])) {
    $output .= '<div class="description">' . $element ['#description'] . "</div>\n";

  //only prints the wrapper for elements that are not radio elements
  if ($element['#type'] != 'radios' && $element['#type'] != 'radio') {
    $output .= "</div>\n";

//  if (strpos($element['#id'], 'edit-og-group-ref') !== FALSE) {
  return $output;
//  }

//  dpm(strpos($element['#id'], 'edit-og-group-ref'));
//  if (strpos($element['#id'], 'edit-og-group-ref') !== FALSE) {
//  dpm(strpos($element));
//  return $output;
//  }


// function theme_radios (https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes!form.inc/function/theme_radio/7)
function gonzo_radios($variables) {
  $element = $variables ['element'];
  $attributes = array();
  if (isset($element ['#id'])) {
    $attributes ['id'] = $element ['#id'];
  $attributes ['class'] = 'form-radios';
  if (!empty($element ['#attributes']['class'])) {
    $attributes ['class'] .= ' ' . implode(' ', $element ['#attributes']['class']);
  if (isset($element ['#attributes']['title'])) {
    $attributes ['title'] = $element ['#attributes']['title'];
  return '<div' . drupal_attributes($attributes) . '>' . (!empty($element ['#children']) ? $element ['#children'] : '') . '<span class="switch-selection"></span></div>';


 * Custom changes by Gonzo 13. 1. 2018 from https://drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/107311/eliminate-render-blocking-javascript-and-css-in-above-the-fold-content#107332
 * Implements hook_page_alter().
function gonzo_page_alter(&$page) {
  // Get critical css file.
  $filename = FALSE;
  $current_path = current_path();
  $path = drupal_get_path('theme', $GLOBALS['theme']);
  // Detect frontpage.
  if (!$filename
    && drupal_is_front_page()
    && is_readable("$path/critical-css/urls/front.css")
  ) {
    $filename = "$path/critical-css/urls/front";
  // Detect specific urls.
  if (!$filename
    && is_readable("$path/critical-css/urls/{$current_path}.css")
  ) {
    $filename = "$path/critical-css/urls/{$current_path}";
  // Detection by node type.
  if (!$filename) {
    $object = menu_get_object();
    if (isset($object->nid)
      && is_readable("$path/critical-css/node_type/{$object->type}.css")
    ) {
      $filename = "$path/critical-css/node_type/{$object->type}";

  // Add inline critical css for front page.
  if (!empty($filename)) {
    $inline_css = advagg_load_stylesheet("$filename.css", TRUE);
    $page['content']['#attached']['css']["$filename.css"] = array(
      'data' => $inline_css,
      'type' => 'inline',
      'group' => CSS_SYSTEM - 1,
      'weight' => -50000,
      'movable' => FALSE,
      'critical-css' => TRUE,
    // Add in domain prefetch.
    if (is_readable("$filename.dns")) {
      $domains = file("$filename.dns", FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
      $domains = array_unique($domains);
      foreach ($domains as $domain) {

1 Answer 1


TL;DR – Simply deactivate this behavior in Zurb's theme settings. See screenshot below.

The issue you mentioned already has a working patch attached that actually seems to fix the issue in Zen by adding a simple condition to the function in the base-theme that causes this unwanted behavior.

Before the Zen patch

if (isset($tag['#attributes']['type']) && $tag['#attributes']['type'] !== 'text/ng-template') {

After the Zen patch

if (isset($tag['#attributes']['type'])) {
  if ($tag['#attributes']['type'] !== 'text/ng-template' && $tag['#attributes']['type'] !== 'application/ld+json') {

So all you have to do now is to go over to Zurb, create an issue, create a patch, add that patch to the issue, then patch your theme with that patch, done :)

Just look out for the zurb_foundation_process_html_tag function in Zurb's template.php and then write the same condition as above around the following responsible line:

Before you created the Zurb patch

// Remove type="..."

After you created the Zurb patch

// Remove type="..."
if (isset($el['#attributes']['type'])) {
  if ($el['#attributes']['type'] !== 'text/ng-template' && $el['#attributes']['type'] !== 'application/ld+json') {

Creating a patch for the first time might seem a little bit scary, but actually it's pretty simple. Just git clone the repo, checkout the branch you wanna apply this patch for, then change the code, then type git diff and define a filename where XXXXX is the number of the issue and YY is the comment number.

git diff > issue_title_or_short_description-XXXXX-YY.patch

See Making a Drupal patch with Git for more detailed info.

Theme settings

Dayum, only after I wrote this whole long answer I became aware of this line in the code:

function zurb_foundation_process_html_tag(&$vars) {
  if (theme_get_setting('zurb_foundation_html_tags')) {

Means there are theme settings and you can simply disable "Prune HTML Tags":

enter image description here

  • Thank you very very much @leymanx! You put so much effort into this and it helped me understand the concept of the template file. However, as you noted, I could achieve what I wanted by using the theme settings. Thank you very much for your help nontheless it is much appreciated!
    – Castor
    Commented Jun 11, 2018 at 11:07

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