I was able to find the webform-calendar.tpl.php file that you used Drupal 7 - Change webform date select to textfield with calendar popup.
Basically what it does is adds a text field and hides the drop down date field.
I figuredout that the date field output is controlled in webform.js
You'll need to change from
// Set up the jQuery datepicker element.
dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
yearRange: startYear + ':' + endYear,
firstDay: parseInt(firstDay),
minDate: startDate,
maxDate: endDate,
onSelect: function (dateText, inst) {
var date = dateText.split('-');
$webformDatepicker.find('select.year, input.year').val(+date[0]).trigger('change');
beforeShow: function (input, inst) {
// Get the select list values.
var year = $webformDatepicker.find('select.year, input.year').val();
var month = $webformDatepicker.find('select.month').val();
var day = $webformDatepicker.find('select.day').val();
// If empty, default to the current year/month/day in the popup.
var today = new Date();
year = year ? year : today.getFullYear();
month = month ? month : today.getMonth() + 1;
day = day ? day : today.getDate();
// Make sure that the default year fits in the available options.
year = (year < startYear || year > endYear) ? startYear : year;
// jQuery UI Datepicker will read the input field and base its date
// off of that, even though in our case the input field is a button.
$(input).val(year + '-' + month + '-' + day);
// Set up the jQuery datepicker element.
dateFormat: 'dd-mm-yy', // changed
yearRange: startYear + ':' + endYear,
firstDay: parseInt(firstDay),
minDate: startDate,
maxDate: endDate,
onSelect: function (dateText, inst) {
var date = dateText.split('-');
$webformDatepicker.find('select.year, input.year').val(+date[2]).trigger('change'); // changed
$webformDatepicker.find('select.day').val(+date[0]).trigger('change'); // changed
beforeShow: function (input, inst) {
// Get the select list values.
var year = $webformDatepicker.find('select.year, input.year').val();
var month = $webformDatepicker.find('select.month').val();
var day = $webformDatepicker.find('select.day').val();
// If empty, default to the current year/month/day in the popup.
var today = new Date();
year = year ? year : today.getFullYear();
month = month ? month : today.getMonth() + 1;
day = day ? day : today.getDate();
// Make sure that the default year fits in the available options.
year = (year < startYear || year > endYear) ? startYear : year;
// jQuery UI Datepicker will read the input field and base its date
// off of that, even though in our case the input field is a button.
$(input).val(day + '-' + month + '-' + year); // changed
4 lines changed, I marked them with // changed
Save the new file in /sites/themes/YOURTHEME/js/webform.js
You can use hook_js_alter to replace the JS file.
* Implements hook_js_alter
function YOURTHEME_js_alter(&$javascript) {
if (!empty($javascript['sites/all/modules/webform/js/webform.js'])) {
$javascript['sites/all/modules/webform/js/webform.js']['data'] = drupal_get_path('theme', 'YOURTHEME') . '/js/webform.js';
I have enabled popup calendar for this field
, so what contrib module are you using?