I have read https://www.drupal.org/node/2941420 and I can upload a image file then use it in article.

But I can not use it as video field after I upload a video file.

My Drupal version is 8.6.0-beta2.

I use the media type ( Drupal 8 core module) for my video field, this is a Entity reference.

When I use

POST  http://www.myhots.com/file/upload/media/video/field_media_video_file?_fo...

I get the response as the end shows (the fid =47)

    "message":"Unprocessable Entity: validation failed.
field_user_video.0.target_id: The referenced entity (media: 47) does not exist.

Then I use it :

curl -X PATCH -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-CSRF-Token:YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY' -H 'Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXX=' -i 'http://www.myhost.com/node/5?_format=json' --data '{



The response is as follows:

    "message":"Unprocessable Entity: validation failed.
field_user_video.0.target_id: The referenced entity (media: 47) does not exist.

Which information should I use to patch it? It seems that the "fid" is not correct.

Maybe I need "target_id " of "media“, but there is no response after I upload a video file, any suggestion?

"field_user_video": [{
  "target_id": 3,
  "target_type": "media",
  "url": "\/d86\/media\/3"



1 Answer 1


after two days trying , i find the solution myself. shortly ,

first, post file , get the fid.

second, post a media , get the Mid (media id)

third , post a node ,use the Mid

I omit the second step.

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