I cannot make the module translation strings to be considered, unistalling and installing the module again.
Is the indicated .po relative path correct?
in my module blockForm function i have :
$form['retrieval_method'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => $this->t('Retrieval Method'),
my .info.yml
name: 'amu hal'
type: module
description: display publications from HAL
core: 8.x
version: 8.x-3.0
package: AMU
project: 'amu_hal'
interface translation project: amu_hal
interface translation server pattern: modules/amu_hal/translations/%language.po
and in
/sites/mysite/modules/amu_hal/translations/fr.po :
msgid "Retrieval Method"
msgstr "Méthode d'extraction"
i have activated the core interface traduction module and the
tells me Missing translations for 11 projects:
amu hal (8.x-3.0). File not found at modules/amu_hal/translations/fr.po
'interface translation project': amu_hal
, for example