For a Drupal 6 Open Atrium site (i.e., Features, Spaces, Organic Groups) I'm running, I've created some custom Features that only really apply to a handful of the hundreds of groups on the site.

As it stands, the "Customize Features" config screen shows all the Features, including those I'd like to intentionally restrict to just a couple of special groups.

What's the best way to prevent these special Features from being offered to every group, while retaining those Features on the special groups?

  • Could you enable all of the features from the start, but handle their display via Context? I haven't had a chance to try Context myself yet, but it sounds like a fit. Commented Mar 4, 2011 at 13:34

4 Answers 4


The features for each space are configured via the spaces_features_form() function. You could implement hook_form_alter() to selectively and conditionally remove features from specific groups.

function MYMODULE_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
  if ($form_id == 'spaces_features_form') {
    $space = spaces_get_space();
    // Populate the array with hard-coded NIDs, or whatever logic
    // needed to determine if these features should be allowed.
    if ($space->type == 'og' && !in_array($space->group->nid, array(...))) {
      // Hide features foo and bar.
      foreach (array('feature_foo', 'feature_bar') as $feature) {
        $form['spaces_features'][$feature]['#access'] = FALSE;

Features are modules. Modules are enabled system-wide and cannot be linked to a Space or Group. However, you could control access to them by creating custom permissions, see hook_perm().

  • 1
    This isn't quite true. Features can be selectively enabled on a per-space basis, but you're right in that they can't automatically be hidden from the spaces features configuration form.
    – jhedstrom
    Commented Apr 16, 2011 at 18:02

I'd add to this hook_perm suggestion an alteration on the form to disable the applicable feature based on the group type. hook_form_alter probably wont work cause the feature related items won't be present yet. You may have to register an #after_build hook and then modify the form accordingly.


Context is definitely the way to go.
Context, Features and Spaces are a powerful combination. This DevelopmentSeed post should help: Building a "Blog Feature" in Drupal with Context and Spaces

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