I have a content type article
that has a field for Category. In order to help our editors find related articles, I included a table on the article
Edit page that pulls in other article
entities that have the same category as the current one.
I did this by implementing a hook_form_alter
hook and adding some markup to the $form
object after querying for all related articles.
// Query for matching articles
$query = \Drupal::entityQuery('node');
$query->condition('type', 'article');
$query->condition('field_articles_category.entity:taxonomy_term.tid', $categoryId);
$query->sort('created', $sortDirection);
$query->range($offset, $limit);
/* Omitting logic to load the Node objects by revision ID's */
// $articles is an array of Node objects of type article
$articlesTable = []
foreach ($articles as $index => $article) {
$articlesTable[$index] ['articleTitle'] = [
'#type' => 'link', '#title' => $article->getTitle(), '#url' => $article->toUrl()
$form['related_articles'] = [
'#type' => 'details',
'#title' => 'Articles of the Same category',
'articlesTable' => $articlesTable
The table displays just fine and shows the expected articles. But there are sometimes hundreds of articles in a particular category so I would like to paginate this table for performance reasons (and to make sure the page is not too long to scroll through). How can I paginate such a table?
I've seen some articles mention creating a pagination controller and somehow setting the AJAX callback for that controller, but haven't found a concrete example yet to follow.