I have a message in the /admin/reports/status
page regarding some fields.
FYI, those are custom fields that I have deleted
Here is the message:
The %field_name field needs to be uninstalled.
To solve this, I ran cron, I drush cr
and finally drush entup
=>but this last step display the following error:
In DiscoveryTrait.php line 52: The "field_item:mwd" plugin does not exist.
is the id of custom field type for which there is a message in the status page...
Here is the Plugin definition and the Class definition of this custom field
* @FieldType(
* id = "mwd",
* label = @Translation("Days of week in a Month for a user"),
* description = @Translation("Store all days of week in a month for a user."),
* category = @Translation("Calendar"),
* default_formatter = "mwd_ds_formatter",
* default_widget = "mwd_ds_widget",
* )
class MWDItem extends FieldItemBase implements FieldItemInterface{...
I have created an instance of this field type (with the GUI of drupal) and added it to a content type. This is this field which needs to be uninstalled if I conforms to the status page message.
Unfortunately I can't get rid of it: impossible to remove this warning in the /admin/reports/status page
drupal debug:plugin field.field_type