I have a drupal 7 commerce site, each day our client uploads a .csv with updates to approx. 4000 products, including published status.
2 imports have been configured, 1 to update the product information and the other to update the product references (node/display) - both read the same .csv.
The importers must run 3 times a day, in order to avoid errors, the product importer must execute before the reference importer. If we use Drupal cron, both will start at the same scheduled time, which leads to errors.
What we really want is to run the product importer until it is completed (multiple times if necessary), and only then to run the reference importer. All of the above 3 times a day.
I imagine there is a hook allowing execution of a specific importer, so I can run it via bash cron, but I don't know where to begin looking, any pointers would be appreciated.