We have two roles: Reviewer and Editor along with two content types: Basic and Article. We have a couple vocabulary terms and taxonomy fields on each content type. Currently only users with Administer vocabularies and terms and Use the administration pages and help can edit those vocabulary terms, but they have access to add/edit/delete all Vocabulary terms (something we don't want).

How can we selectively allow only users with Editor role to be able to add/edit/delete any values in just the Tag vocabulary term?

Basic Content Type:


  1. Category (field_category) -> Taxonomy term field -> linked to Category vocabulary
  2. Title
  3. Description

Article Content Type:


  1. Article Tags (field_article_tags) -> Taxonomy term field -> linked to Tags vocabulary
  2. Title
  3. Description

Desired outcome:

  1. Users with Reviewer role cannot access anything other than the nodes. (this is already done)
  2. Users with Editor role should be able to access only the admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/tags/overview page (Tags overview page)
  3. While on the Tags Overview page, users with Editor role should only be able to access that link and no other admin pages.
  4. While on the Tags Overview page, users with Editor role should only be able to add/edit/delete any terms in the Tags vocabulary.

1 Answer 1


Have you tried taxonomy_access_fix? It allows you to manage permission for each vocabulary for each role.

  • 1
    yes that did the work. I basically enabled that module, set the permissions, and i was able to limit the admin pages to just the taxonomy terms. Commented Feb 14, 2019 at 0:41

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