I need to translate certain text in a twig template to one of several languages, depending on the Language selected for the node being displayed. I've installed the Interface Translation module (without translation files because I don't want the interface translated) and added custom translations for the text I want translated. This works perfectly using {{ "text to translate"|t }} in the template.
Here's the problem: When I'm at a page like "/es/node/50" (Spanish), Drupal "shifts to /es mode" by adding /es to menu entries, admin links, etc. I assume this is expected, but I don't want it. I simply want to use Drupal's built-in translation capability (via |t) to translate things I specify. I don't want any other pages to get an /es prefix.
I want to select a language for a node and then have translation capacity for that node's template only, without affecting anything else in the site.
Is this simply outside the use case for the Interface Translation module? Or is there a combination of modules/settings to make it possible?
I've fiddled with this for hours (days) and have read documentation and many posts without success.