In my taxonomy-term--NAME.html.twig I use a reference field to load a 'block_content'.
{% for item in term.field_blocks %}
{% set uuid = item.entity.uuid.value %}
{{ drupal_block('block_content:' ~ uuid) }}
{% endfor %}
The block is rendered correctly but without the 'contextual links' (quick edit on front-end).
When I look into the twig_tweak module, I see you can add an array with configuration options.
public function drupalBlock($id, array $configuration = [], $wrapper = TRUE) {
$configuration += ['label_display' => BlockPluginInterface::BLOCK_LABEL_VISIBLE];
/** @var \Drupal\Core\Block\BlockPluginInterface $block_plugin */
$block_plugin = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.block')
->createInstance($id, $configuration);
Does anyone know how I can change the twig-rule to something like this:
{{ drupal_block('block_content:' ~ uuid, {show_contextual_links:true}) }}
I found this question, but that is not correct: Programatically render block with contextual links (in php)