I'm working on a site hosted on Acquia and we're using Varnish and Akamai. We don't want anonymous sessions from being saved in the db, as it breaks the caching. I've made a few tweaks, and I'm trying to track down where the sessions are coming from. We're using simplesamlphp_auth for admin logins using Okta and LoginRadius module from /user/login, so it's not a default Drupal 8 installation in regards to login and sessions.
I'm trying to track down where the anonymous sessions are coming from. But I was wondering if there's a way outside of fixing either of these modules to force Drupal 8 to NOT save anonymous sessions to the database. Is there a hook or event that I could use to prevent the anonymous sessions from being saved?
If so, what are the implications? I guess lost cookies that some contrib module may be trying to set?
I'm seeing sessions like this appear:
*************************** 333. row ***************************
uid: 0
sid: _oo8QqyuF4tMOIIWr-uCOj8aqsknzV1WWkmf0bHzlmQ
timestamp: 1557934618
session: messages|a:1:{s:7:"warning";a:1:{i:0;O:48:"Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\TranslatableMarkup":3:{s:9:" * string";s:57:"Your session was deliberately ended from another session.";s:12:" * arguments";a:0:{}s:10:" * options";a:0:{}}}}
*************************** 334. row ***************************
or this:
uid: 0
sid: _VmVWTDsbgQYOcZFxN15Z5j-s4jt4YmsjSZGggphAIM
timestamp: 1557928795
session: _symfony_flashes|a:1:{s:5:"error";a:1:{i:0;s:49:"Access denied. You must log in to view this page.";}}_sf2_meta|a:3:{s:1:"u";i:1557928795;s:1:"c";i:1557928795;s:1:"l";s:7:"2000000";}
*************************** 335. row ***************************
I think part of the issue may be that messages aren't getting displayed to the user on cached pages, so the anonymous sessions aren't being emptied of their _symfony_flashes
The most concerning one dumps a ton of user data, I think this from loginradius:
*************************** 332. row ***************************
uid: 0
sid: _2PXluVM2rAY29hE-HFkNQQ8_nPdP4QeU4Y3PoX40ws
timestamp: 1557870161
session: _sf2_attributes|a:5:{s:12:"access_token";s:36:"fb98d952-f1a2-4ba3-820e-2db2c7313008";s:17:"user_profile_data";O:8:"stdClass":146: etc. (I'm not going to post the data here)