- How to create a custom module?
- Which files should be there in the custom module?
- How to get the form_id and the exact location of the attribute for which the change is required?
2 Answers
The webform below shows how to alter the datepicker options without using a custom module via Drupal.webform.datePicker.options
uuid: 164b1057-cb1f-4329-abcf-5f85e49c5049
langcode: en
status: open
dependencies: { }
open: null
close: null
weight: 0
uid: 1
template: false
archive: false
id: datepicker_icon
title: 'How can I change the calendar icon?'
description: ''
category: ''
elements: |
'#type': date
'#title': date
'#datepicker': true
'#datepicker_button': true
css: ''
javascript: |
Drupal.webform = Drupal.webform || {};
Drupal.webform.datePicker = Drupal.webform.datePicker || {};
Drupal.webform.datePicker.options = Drupal.webform.datePicker.options || {};
Drupal.webform.datePicker.options.buttonImage = 'https://cdn3.iconfinder.com/data/icons/database-line/128/calendar_date_schedule_datepicker-128.png';
ajax: false
ajax_scroll_top: form
ajax_progress_type: ''
ajax_effect: ''
ajax_speed: null
page: true
page_submit_path: ''
page_confirm_path: ''
page_admin_theme: false
form_title: both
form_submit_once: false
form_exception_message: ''
form_open_message: ''
form_close_message: ''
form_previous_submissions: true
form_confidential: false
form_confidential_message: ''
form_remote_addr: true
form_convert_anonymous: false
form_prepopulate: false
form_prepopulate_source_entity: false
form_prepopulate_source_entity_required: false
form_prepopulate_source_entity_type: ''
form_reset: false
form_disable_autocomplete: false
form_novalidate: false
form_disable_inline_errors: false
form_required: false
form_unsaved: false
form_disable_back: false
form_submit_back: false
form_autofocus: false
form_details_toggle: false
form_access_denied: default
form_access_denied_title: ''
form_access_denied_message: ''
form_access_denied_attributes: { }
form_file_limit: ''
submission_label: ''
submission_log: false
submission_views: { }
submission_views_replace: { }
submission_user_columns: { }
submission_user_duplicate: false
submission_access_denied: default
submission_access_denied_title: ''
submission_access_denied_message: ''
submission_access_denied_attributes: { }
submission_exception_message: ''
submission_locked_message: ''
submission_excluded_elements: { }
submission_exclude_empty: false
submission_exclude_empty_checkbox: false
previous_submission_message: ''
previous_submissions_message: ''
autofill: false
autofill_message: ''
autofill_excluded_elements: { }
wizard_progress_bar: true
wizard_progress_pages: false
wizard_progress_percentage: false
wizard_progress_link: false
wizard_start_label: ''
wizard_preview_link: false
wizard_confirmation: true
wizard_confirmation_label: ''
wizard_track: ''
preview: 0
preview_label: ''
preview_title: ''
preview_message: ''
preview_attributes: { }
preview_excluded_elements: { }
preview_exclude_empty: true
preview_exclude_empty_checkbox: false
draft: none
draft_multiple: false
draft_auto_save: false
draft_saved_message: ''
draft_loaded_message: ''
draft_pending_single_message: ''
draft_pending_multiple_message: ''
confirmation_type: page
confirmation_title: ''
confirmation_message: ''
confirmation_url: ''
confirmation_attributes: { }
confirmation_back: true
confirmation_back_label: ''
confirmation_back_attributes: { }
confirmation_exclude_query: false
confirmation_exclude_token: false
confirmation_update: false
limit_total: null
limit_total_interval: null
limit_total_message: ''
limit_total_unique: false
limit_user: null
limit_user_interval: null
limit_user_message: ''
limit_user_unique: false
entity_limit_total: null
entity_limit_total_interval: null
entity_limit_user: null
entity_limit_user_interval: null
purge: none
purge_days: null
results_disabled: false
results_disabled_ignore: false
token_update: false
- anonymous
- authenticated
users: { }
permissions: { }
roles: { }
users: { }
permissions: { }
roles: { }
users: { }
permissions: { }
roles: { }
users: { }
permissions: { }
roles: { }
users: { }
permissions: { }
roles: { }
users: { }
permissions: { }
roles: { }
users: { }
permissions: { }
roles: { }
users: { }
permissions: { }
roles: { }
users: { }
permissions: { }
roles: { }
users: { }
permissions: { }
roles: { }
users: { }
permissions: { }
handlers: { }
The key is adding the JS snippet below to your webform CSS/JS (admin/structure/webform/manage/WEBFORM_ID/settings/assets)
Drupal.webform = Drupal.webform || {};
Drupal.webform.datePicker = Drupal.webform.datePicker || {};
Drupal.webform.datePicker.options = Drupal.webform.datePicker.options || {};
Drupal.webform.datePicker.options.buttonImage = 'https://cdn3.iconfinder.com/data/icons/database-line/128/calendar_date_schedule_datepicker-128.png';
- First we need to create a custom module called admissionform, follow this path modules/custom/admissionform
- We need to create 2 files inside the custom module called admissionform.module and admission.info.yml
name: admissionform
description: To change the calander icon.
package: Custom
type: module
core: 8.x
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
// Hook to change the calendar button image
function admissionform_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) {
// var_dump($form);
$form['elements']['date_of_event_']['#attached']['drupalSettings']['webform']['datePicker']['buttonImage'] = '/modules/custom/admissionform/images/elements/date-calendar-1.png';
The icon image should be put at this path modules/custom/admissionform/images/elements/date-calendar-1.png
To know form_id, we can do var_dump($form_id)
and to get the attributes of the form we can do var_dump($form)
Last, apply coding standards so others can read and understand your code more easily.– leymannxCommented Sep 4, 2019 at 7:27