I have the following problem with the simple_oauth module.
I can get the initial jwt token with a POST request to
with the following form data:username: user password: password client_id: xxxx client_secret: yyy scope: oauth grant_type: password
This token has the actual access token and the refresh token. So I have an interceptor in Angular to refresh the token when we get a 403 return code. The call to refresh the token is again a POST request to
with a slightly different payload:client_id: xxxx client_secret: yyy scope: oauth grant_type: refresh_token refresh_token: def5020092674bfb5c570c518c112fbc78ec6ddb2d...
This call also succeeds but when I try to use the returned token I will get 403 returns. It is like the tokens produced using one grant type or the other have different scopes...
Have you experienced this problem? Do you know what can I do to solve it? Thank you very much in advance.