I am a bit new to this, but I do have a programming background, and I have been working with Drupal for a while.
I am putting together a site for our Yoga Studio and I have a content type (scheduled class) that has a field (field scheduled_class) that is a node reference to a content type (class description). The Scheduled Class content type has as field for date which is used in a calendar, and there are multiple classes using the same class description.
I am trying to use a view to attach fields from the class description to the scheduled class content type and I cannot get it to work. I have been banging my head against the wall for months now.
--> fields Scheduled class --> Class Type --> fields --> fields
I have not been able to get the contextual filter and relationship set up properly to allow this to work. I have tried every single combination I can think of. I am pretty sure the source of the problem is trying to get the right default value of the Class Type, but I am not sure.