I have a view that collect fields of some content type and one of those fields is image field. I can set image style for that image from view editing page and that image in every row will have that same image style.
Now I need to set different image style for some rows. I.e. first row image should have style "ep1", second "ep2" and third and fourth "ep3".
What I tried so far is pre-processing image field like this:
function hook_preprocess_views_view_field(&$variables)
$view = $variables['view'];
$field = $variables['field'];
switch ($view->id()){
case 'view_id':
switch($field->field) {
case 'image_id':
$rowIndex = $variables["field"]->view->row_index;
$variables['field']->options["settings"]["image_style"] = 'thumbnail';
This way I can collect row number, but setting this "thumbnail" style is not working. On front-end I'm still getting image style set from view.
Then I tried preprocessing image formatter like this:
function cr_common_preprocess_image_formatter(&$variables) {
if ($variables['image']['#style_name'] === 'style_to_change') {
$variables['image']['#style_name'] = 'thumbnail';
And this way style really is changed, but I don't' have info on current view row so it can be used only for setting random image styles or something.