I am trying to override a service by using a ServiceProvider Class
class MyModuleServiceProvider extends ServiceProviderBase
public function alter(ContainerBuilder $container)
// Overrides MessageNotifier class to add loggin facilities to each message.
$definition = $container->getDefinition('message_notify.sender');
new Reference('logger.channel.message_notify')
This is out of topic, but FYI, the overrode service "message_notify.sender" is created by the message_notify module pertaining to the message stack modules
As you can see, I am adding an argument (a logger) to my new service
Here is the __construct()
method of the parent (overrode) class:
public function __construct(Manager $notifier_manager) {
$this->notifierManager = $notifier_manager;
Here is the __construct()
method of my new class:
public function __construct(Manager $notifier_manager, LoggerChannelInterface $logger)
$this->logger = $logger;
But for an unknown reason the $logger variable is not an object but an array with one item... and this item is the LoggerChannel object.
Thus this code is not working but the following does:
public function __construct(Manager $notifier_manager, array $logger)
$this->logger = $logger[0];
What am I doing wrong?