I'd like to change the attribute "type" to "search". The search icon goes over the top of the text making it hard to see what you are typing. The themes are a combination of Adminimal for admin and Bulma for the front end. The Bulma front end is the problem.
The source html is as follows.
<input id="admin-toolbar-search-input" aria-labelledby="toolbar-item-administration-search" type="text" size="60" maxlength="128" class="form-text input ui-autocomplete-input" autocomplete="off" tabindex="-1">
I want the type attribute to be search so that the icon is hidden when you enter text.
I've tried overriding the bulma template input--bulma.html.twig. Not ideal from a scope perspective and setting these attributes here doesn't work.
{{ attributes.setAttribute('type', 'search') }}
Ideally I would find a theme pre-process function. I can't see to find one that works. How do I go about it?