How can i automatically generate anchor ids to h2 and h3 added using ck editor ? I need it for making a table of content.

  • 1
    Not sure if anyone has built an integration module for this, but I would leverage ckeditor.com/cke4/addon/toc
    – Kevin
    Commented Jul 8, 2020 at 13:12
  • interesting but would probably create a toc for each content type fields. A module would be needed to generate a toc for the full page , including paragraphs etc . I have maded it in JS
    – Matoeil
    Commented Jul 8, 2020 at 13:15
  • 1
    I've been looking for a plugin that lets authors assign/change ID attributes to any selected element via the UI; it would extend this nicely. CKE4 doesn't have it, but @rhystubbs created a plugin to do this in CKE5: github.com/ckeditor/ckeditor5/issues/7369
    – Timmah
    Commented Jul 11, 2022 at 7:46

1 Answer 1


in JS, id set from the h2 label two first words :

const headings = document.querySelectorAll(
  ".article--full h2, .article--full h3"
const tocElements = createTocElementsArray(headings);

function createTocElementsArray(headings) {
  const tocElements = [];   
  for (const item of headings) {
    if (item.id === "") {
      item.id = item.firstChild.data
        .split(" ")
        .slice(0, 2)

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