What are the files necessary for building a Drupal 7 module? What are the requirements for constructing a basic .info file? The essence of this question is to provide a skeleton for building a basic Drupal 7 module from scratch.
2 Answers
Minimum files needed:
Normally, the minimum files needed for a module is the following:
sites/all/modules/{name of your module}
{your module}.info
{your module}.module
Or use the examples module:
The examples module on drupal.org provides you skeleton modules to develop custom/contrib modules. Just use that to copy and create your modules off of.
Check out the project page:
This project aims to provide high-quality, well-documented API examples for a broad range of Drupal core functionality.
(Interested in other, non-core examples?)
Developers can learn how to use a particular API quickly by experimenting with the examples, and adapt them for their own use.
Link to the git repository: http://drupalcode.org/project/examples.git/tree/refs/heads/7.x-1.x
Code from the examples module:
I've also just pasted in the code you could get from the examples module.
example.info file:
name = Examples For Developers
description = A variety of example code for you to learn from and hack upon.
package = Example modules
core = 7.x
example.module file:
* @file
* This file serves as a stub file for the many Examples modules in the
* @link http://drupal.org/project/examples Examples for Developers Project @endlink
* which you can download and experiment with.
* One might say that examples.module is an example of documentation. However,
* note that the example submodules define many doxygen groups, which may or
* may not be a good strategy for other modules.
* @defgroup examples Examples
* @{
* Well-documented API examples for a broad range of Drupal 7 core functionality.
* Developers can learn how to use a particular API quickly by experimenting
* with the examples, and adapt them for their own use.
* Download the Examples for Developers Project (and participate with
* submissions, bug reports, patches, and documentation) at
* http://drupal.org/project/examples
* Implements hook_help().
function examples_help($path, $arg) {
// re: http://drupal.org/node/767204
// 5. We need a master group (Examples) that will be in a main
// examples.module.
// The examples.module should be mostly doxy comments that point to the other
// examples. It will also have a hook_help() explaining its purpose and how
// to access the other examples.
* @} End of 'defgroup examples'.
1) Decide on a name for the module (for example: mymodule).
2) Create a folder inside sites/all/modules with your module's name.
3) Inside the folder create a mymodule.module file with a opening php tag (<?php
) - the closing tag (?>
) should be omitted.
4) Create a mymodule.info file (inside your module's folder) with the following 3 lines:
name = Mymodule
description = Description for the module
core = 7.x
With this much you already have a Drupal 7 module that you can enable via the GUI (it doesn't do anything as long as you haven't added any functions/code inside the mymodule.module file). Note that all the mymodule instances used here should be replaced with your actual module's name and 'Description for the module' should be a proper description.