I'm new to Drupal (having used Perch CMS and PHP for years). Forgive me if I bumble the terminology a bit. I've been furiously going over documentation and tutorials. Sorry in advanced for being verbose.
Using Drupal 9 with a Bootstrap 5 template I'm developing - I'm looking to create a page that has a listing of downloadable PDFs that are categorized into groups and subgroups - these will eventually be placed in nested accordions on a page:
== Category A
==== Sub Category AA
====== Content: Has title, image and file link
==== Sub Category AB
====== Content: Has title, image and file link
== Category B
==== Sub Category BA
====== Content: Has title, image and file link
====== Content: Has title, image and file link
==== Sub Category BB
What I've done so far: I've setup a vocabulary tree that matches the structure I need. I also created a content type that meets the needs of each content item and have added taxonomy to the content form display. Created a view that show the content type.
What I need to do: Cycle through the taxonomy tree structure to create the accordions, showing the taxonomy term name and then nest each content item that matches the taxonomy term.
What I need from the community: Make sure I'm going down the right path and that I'm not misusing Drupal in this way. Also, any tips and/or things I should search for would be helpful. I'm pretty comfortable with theming (twig).