I'm trying to migrate users and user profiles to site, where both entities might be already present. In this case I would like to overwrite specified fields and leave others in the original state. I'm trying to map profile_id
like this:
plugin: migration_lookup
no_stub: true
# previous user migration
migration: mayors_users
# property in the source data
source: lau
plugin: entity_lookup
entity_type: profile
bundle: profile
bundle_key: type
value_key: uid
source: '@uid'
However, this fails, so profile_id
is null
Do you happen to know, how can I use entity_lookup (or another) plugin for this?
EDIT: It looks like this might be a Drupal Core issue. I debugged the code of EntityLookup.php
plugin and printed the actual DB query generated from the entity query:
SELECT base_table.revision_id AS revision_id, base_table.profile_id AS profile_id
FROM profile base_table
INNER JOIN profile profile ON profile.profile_id = base_table.profile_id
WHERE (profile.uid = '153')
AND (profile.type = 'profile')
This works fine and return following result when used directly against MySQL server:
revision_id | profile_id |
87 | 87 |
However, $query->execute()
still returns an empty array. Why?
EDIT: It looks like this might be a bug: https://www.drupal.org/project/migrate_plus/issues/3230477