I have already setup fields for user to input color code (e.g. "#123000") to a content type. Now I need to modify the inline style color / background-color with the given value. I tried to do this in my Custom Text field:

    <div class="box" style="color: {{ color_field }}">
        <h2>{{ title }}</h2>
        <span class="description">{{ body }}</span>

But the rendered output would become:

    <div class="box">
        <span class="description">Some dummy description...</span>

I went as far as creating my own Twig function implementation:

    <div class="box" {{ my_dummy_function(color_field) }}>
        <h2>{{ title }}</h2>
        <span class="description">{{ body }}</span>

The function would supposedly output style="color: color_field_value", but the whole attribute would be "eaten" by Drupal's rendering chain. Even adding a | raw filter after that would not change a thing.

    <div class="box">
        <span class="description">Some dummy description...</span>

In desperate, I modified my dummy Twig function to output hello="world", and the attribute would be rendered normally:

    <div class="box" hello="world">
        <span class="description">Some dummy description...</span>

But if it output something like hello="color: world":

    <div class="box" hello=" world">
        <span class="description">Some dummy description...</span>

So it seems there are some keyword-based filtering going on. And I can't seem to have a way to render anything resembling inline CSS. Is there anyway I can achieve my goal?


1 Answer 1


This is a problem I've encountered numerous times, and personally I've never had any luck outputting inline styles in a Views field that's been rewritten through the UI.

My solution has always been to create a template file that takes responsibility for rendering the view fields, as that does allow you to use inline styles.

In your case, you could have the file in your theme's /templates folder (I have them in a /views subdirectory), with a filename like:


You'd then just need to slightly tweak the markup you already have:

<div class="box" style="color: {{ fields.field_color_field.content }}">
    <h2>{{ fields.title.content }}</h2>
    <span class="description">{{ fields.body.content }}</span>

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