I have used Scheduler module with content moderation integration to publish a content automatically. It is perfectly working using the module. Now I want to add a functionality that once the content is published via cron, an email will be sent to the author of that particular content.

I have used hook_scheduler_publish_action to perform this action, but unfortunately I am facing some different scenario.

  1. If I remove node publish code and keep only the mail sending code, the mail is fired.
  2. If I remove the mail sending code and keep only node publish code, the node is published.
  3. If I keep both, only mail is sent, content is not published.

Ref: https://git.drupalcode.org/project/scheduler/blob/8.x-1.x/scheduler.api.php

Below code is only publishing content, not sending email.

function MYMODULE_scheduler_publish_action(NodeInterface $node) {
  // node moderation state will be 'published'
  $node->set('moderation_state', 'published');

  // email send to author
  $mail_params = array(
    'mail_subject' => 'run cron',
    'mail_body' => '<p>node published using scheduler</p>',
    'mail_to' => '[email protected]'


Below code is only sending email, not publishing content.

function MYMODULE_scheduler_publish_action(NodeInterface $node) {  
  // email send to author
  $mail_params = array(
  'mail_subject' => 'run cron',
  'mail_body' => '<p>node published using scheduler</p>',
  'mail_to' => '[email protected]'
  // node moderation state will be 'published'
  $node->set('moderation_state', 'published');

That means this hook only perform the first action and ignores others.

Now my question is how will I perform multiple actions using this hook or is there any other procedure to do this?

Please help me. Thanks in advance.

1 Answer 1


The Scheduler Module itself do provide some events , which one of them is PUBLISH. So you can create an event subscriber in your module and listen to publish event like this:

class YourSchedulerEventSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface {
  public function publishAndSendMail(SchedulerEvent $event) {
  /** @var \Drupal\node\Entity\Node $node */
  $node = $event->getNode();
  $node->set('moderation_state', $node->publish_state->getValue());


  $mail_params = array(
  'mail_subject' => 'run cron',
  'mail_body' => '<p>node published using scheduler</p>',
  'mail_to' => '[email protected]'
  \Drupal::service('MYMODULE.common_service')->FunctionToSendEmail($mail_params); //Better to be sent as service argumnets

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static function getSubscribedEvents() {
    // The values in the arrays give the function names above.
    $events[SchedulerEvents::PUBLISH][] = ['publishAndSendMail'];
    return $events;
  • Thank you for your kind help. I will definitely give it a try on Monday. Can you please provide me a link or something where I can get a full list of events like PUBLISH provided by this Scheduler module? Thanks again.
    – Souvik Das
    Commented Jan 1, 2022 at 19:37
  • Also, how will I send multiple parameters as array in the \Drupal::service method when the service parameters will be dynamic based on different node publishing scenario? The mail_to key will have different email ids that I need to send via the service. As per this ref, drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/237353/… services are not suitable in cases where I need to pass parameters from the service call.
    – Souvik Das
    Commented Jan 1, 2022 at 20:07
  • to answer your first question you can go to scheduler module in src/SchedulerEvents.php you can find the list of events Commented Jan 2, 2022 at 5:00
  • when you want to build a service and you need more services like MYMODULE.common_service as input you can add it as argument in your services.yml file (it needs an @ to be considered as service), then if you need more parameters which are not of type services, then in a case of eventsubscriber you need to fetch them from $event, for example to get a node author you can get it from $event->node->getoWNER() Commented Jan 2, 2022 at 5:08
  • Getting the same issue with your solution. Email sent but node not published. Once I remove the mail sending code, node is published.
    – Souvik Das
    Commented Jan 3, 2022 at 7:38

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