Utilising an Ubuntu (currently 11.04) box for WebDev in my SoHo, it's primarily for Drupal V7 projects using pure Linux LAMP and not any xamp, wamp models. I have a number of Drupal installs for dev and self-learning etc and hence Drupal version installs and modules change. I installed Drush 4.4 via the Ubuntu Synapatic manager and it installed seemingly ok, but when I try to run Drush from the Dash Home (HUD), nothing appears to load or run.
I'm the only user on the computer so I have all priviledges etc and all my Drupal projects are in var/www/ in order to emulate any future live web models. In order to be more efficient in updating Drupal and modules, I'd rather use Drush for Drupal updates as updating 6-8 projects is too labourious. Can anyone shed some light on why Drush is/or not running and what I need to do to simplify it's loading (a simple desktop link creation would be great). My current Linux experience is some 24 months having crossed over 100% from MS Windows O/S, but my DOS CLI experience was also then poor, so my knowledge was limited (but growing). Thank you.