I have a news page set up as a page display, showing nodes of a specific Content Type. /news works as expected.
I now want to improve the view: When someone goes to /news/pancreas or /news/heart, for example, nodes are filtered for that particular topic.
I have an entity reference field (Groups audience) whose machine name is og_group_ref, which allows unlimited categories.
For my display mode, I am outputting that field as an ID (although I'm not sure this is correct). For results without a topic on the view page they look something like the following screenshot (with ID of category shown).
However if I add a category to the URL, such as /news/heart, I do not get any results.
I have a contextual filter and a relationship set up from trying to follow a guide elsewhere, but I do not think it is correct and I'm sadly pretty fuzzy on how contextual filters and relationships work. I am not really sure I'm even on the right track.
How can I set up categorization based on an entity reference field?