I am following the instructions given on Updating Drupal core via Composer for users using the drupal/core-recommended package.

I have the following lines in the composer.json file.

    "minimum-stability": "dev",
    "prefer-stable": true,
   "require": {
     "drupal/core-composer-scaffold": "^9",
     "drupal/core-project-message": "^9",
     "drupal/core-recommended": "^9",
 "require-dev": {
        "drupal/core-dev": "^9"

Instead of Drupal 9.4.5, I get Drupal 9.5.0-dev.

Can anybody explain why?


1 Answer 1


I needed to change

    "require": {
        "drupal/core-composer-scaffold": "^9",
        "drupal/core-project-message": "^9",
        "drupal/core-recommended": "^9",
 "require-dev": {
        "drupal/core-dev": "^9"


    "require": {
        "drupal/core-composer-scaffold": "^9.4",
        "drupal/core-project-message": "^9.4",
        "drupal/core-recommended": "^9.4",
 "require-dev": {
        "drupal/core-dev": "^9.4"
  • 1
    Had the same recently from 9.4 to 9.5-dev and couldn't find a reason why this has happened. Thank you for posting that fix.
    – leymannx
    Commented Sep 6, 2022 at 20:51

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