I have a weird error with a custom theme (called uv_basic_theme
). It ran well under Drupal 8, and now I've upgraded the site to Drupal 9. (9.4.4)
After upgrade, the status report listed this error:
1 (required)
UV Basic Theme requires this module.
Yes, it says "1 (required)". What could it mean?
I already assumed some faulty line in the info.yml, but I can't see anything wrong:
name: UV Basic Theme
description: Boilerplate Theme for Drupal 8
type: theme
base theme: true
core: 8.x
core_version_requirement: ^8 || ^9
- uv_basic_theme/global-css
- uv_basic_theme/global-js
- core/themes/stable/css/views/views.module.css
- core/themes/stable/css/system/components/align.module.css
header: 'Header'
highlighted: 'Highlighted'
navigation: 'Main Navigation'
content: 'Main Content'
dependencies: []
module_dependencies: []
Yes, I've added dependencies and module_dependencies to see if it would fix it but no.