I have built a blog listing page that uses a blog_listing
view (set as a block, not page) in it (Drupal 10.1). Here is the setup for the view:
As you can see, I have three exposed filters. Blog category, blog date and a keyword search. On my frontend, when I filter by category, the url shows domain.com/blog?category=termId
rather than domain.com/blog?category=termName
. It also has all three query params even though I only filter for one (see screenshot below - filtered for taxonomy term "data" with ID of 96, but has the other two params too)
I have tried using contextual filters for this but I haven't been getting anywhere?? Also, I am using the better exposed filters module as you can see in the first screenshot above.
So, here are my questions:
- How can I display term name
instead of id?category=96
in the url after filtering - How do I get rid of other search params in the url if they are not part of the filter? like if I only select the filter option for a category, I don't want to see
as you see in the second screenshot.
Thanks for any help in advance.