I have a "press release" node type which uses entityreference to link to any number of file_entity images, another field for file_entity videos and another to file_entity audio files.
There is a need for a block to display the first six images from the most recent press release, with some text from the press release.
So I built a view that finds the most recent press release and then displays the first six image entities. Or it should have but it doesn't, it always reports zero images (or zero videos, or zero audio files) regardless of how many there are.
So I ripped into Views to find the problem and discovered that entityreference does not provide a field handler, as a result Views assumes it's referring to a node and not an image and it all goes pear-shaped.
All entityreference does is provide a relationship handler, which is fine as far as it goes but you can only display one entry from the list of references - the first one.
Am I really going to go completely non-intuitive and have the images as the main table, and then sort by and group by parent press release node?
Any better ideas? (Short of writing a proper Views field handler?)