Drupal 7, Views 3, etc.
I'd like to use Views' grouping feature to group results hierarchically. I added the two fields I want to group with to the grouping list. I'd like to group by year, then by term. Here's the output I get now:
- 2011
- Term 1
- Result 1
- Result 2
- Term 1
- 2011
- Term 2
- Result 3
- Result 4
- Term 2
- 2012
- Term 3
- Result 5
- Result 6
- Term 3
- 2012
- Term 4
- Result 7
- Result 8
- Term 4
... and so on.
Here's what I want to see:
- 2011
- Term 1
- Result 1
- Result 2
- Term 2
- Result 3
- Result 4
- Term 1
- 2012
- Term 3
- Result 5
- Result 6
- Term 4
- Result 7
- Result 8
- Term 3
I thought that by using the "Use rendered output to group rows" checkbox, it would cause Views to ignore differences in the contents of the actual date field (which is more granular than just the displayed year) and only sort by year. Am I misunderstanding this checkbox, or is there something preventing it from working properly?