I want to prevent an attached view from running depending on some coding parameters.

I've tried using hook_views_pre_view() to prevent it from running, but I can't figure out what options to set on the view to accomplish that. Tweaking attached or rendered doesn't seem to do anything.

function ding_eresource_views_pre_view(&$view, &$display_id, &$args) {
  if ($view->name == 'eresource_list' && $display_id == 'attachment_1') {
    // Prevent rendering if parent view has some option set.
    if (!empty($view->old_view[1]->barr)) {
      // This does not work. How can it be done?
      $view->attached = FALSE;
      $view->rendered = TRUE;

How can it be done?

  • In my case, the view display I wanted to conditionally prevent from showing was a block display, so I was able to use hook_block_list_alter() to pick it out and remove it at that point. That way views didn't touch it at all.
    – m4olivei
    Commented May 13, 2014 at 18:53

3 Answers 3


$view->executed = TRUE; worked for me but I'm not sure it is a correct way to stop Views from rendering.

  • Hmm, that does work, after a fashion. Regrettably, it shows the View's empty text instead, but I worked around this by removing the empty text for the attached view.
    – mikl
    Commented Jun 19, 2012 at 14:40

Wanted to do similar but just $view->executed = TRUE; made the query in the view still run. Looking at view::build(), I understood you need the following code, to prevent anything running further in the view (displays and query).

$view->executed = TRUE;
$view->built = TRUE;

To make it clearer, the code you should use is the following one.

function ding_eresource_views_pre_view(&$view, &$display_id, &$args) {
  if ($view->name == 'eresource_list' && $display_id == 'attachment_1') {
    // Prevent rendering if parent view has some option set.
    if (!empty($view->old_view[1]->barr)) {
      // This does not work. How can it be done?
      $view->executed = TRUE;
      $view->built = TRUE;

Options for hook_views_pre_render:

$view->result = array();

That destroys the array, preventing any data from rendering.

Or, the plain PHP option:

  • Sadly, this doesn't stop pagination from rendering. I'm also assuming die() is a joke suggestion ;)
    – Nick
    Commented May 3, 2022 at 17:00

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