Is there a way to refer to a node in a forum post?

Like I want to put a hyperlink to the node with the node title as the display name. Is there any short handed variable that allows me to do that?


2 Answers 2


Have a look at Freelinking Casetracker.

Drupal.org itself also automatically converts [#nid] found in issue comments to Node links, but I'm not sure if they're using this module or another similar input filter.

Writing your own input filter is pretty straightforward if those don't exactly match your needs.


Have a look at Freelinking (you don't need the Freelinking Casetracking extension).

This project implements a filter framework for easier creation of HTML links to other pages on the site or to external sites. To refer to a node with nid 42, you write [[nid:42]]. This will produce a hyperlink to the node with the node title as the display name.

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