I need a column (field) in a view where you can see the date of a specific state (Workflow state).

For example: A content type news has three workflow states: new, reviewed, published. Now I need a view where you can see each news (also ones that haven't entered that state!) with a field where the date is shown when it was new, reviewed and published (sortable). The Workflow module only provides "Previous time", but that's not specific to a state.

Any ideas?

I know how to program a views handler for custom table/fields but my problem is that the node -> workflow_node_history has an 1:n relation.

drupal 6, workflow 1.5, views 2.x


Title   | Date new     | Date Reviewed | published
Title1  | 01.03.2012   | 13.03.2012    | pending
Title2  | 02.05.2012   | 16.05.2012    | 20.05.2012
Title3  | 20.05.2012   | pending       | pending
  • They way I understand it, the data you are looking for simply does not exist? So it's really not related to Views at all, but how to coax workflow into storing more data?
    – Letharion
    Commented Jul 17, 2012 at 10:35
  • The Data exist. Each (Workflow enabled) node has multiple workflow history entries (state and timestamp) in the workflow_node_history table... But with the default implementation of the worflow view plugins it is not possible to show a date of a specifig state....
    – lenni
    Commented Jul 17, 2012 at 11:07

2 Answers 2


The Views PHP Module provides a custome field that is click sort enabled

Value code example:

$result = db_fetch_object(db_query("SELECT stamp FROM {workflow_node_history} WHERE nid = %d AND sid = %d", $row->nid, $sid));
if(isset($result->stamp)) {
   return $result->stamp;
return 0;

Output code:

print date('d.m.Y', $value);

Enable click sort: sort numerically


Add to the Filter criteria: Where current state = reviewed

Add the current field: Workflow: current time

That should return you the time of the state change to reviewed, for all nodes who are currently on the state "reviewed". If you want to show the nodes that haven't entered the state "reviewed", then just show all the nodes, and their current workflow state timestamp.

Disclaimer: I answered this on D7 so I don't know if that field and filter are available in D6.

  • Thanks for the answer. But thats not the solution: "I need a view where you can see each news (also ones that haven't entered that state!) with a field where the date is shown when it was reviewed"
    – lenni
    Commented Jul 6, 2012 at 8:32
  • "If you want to show the nodes that haven't entered the state "reviewed", then just show all the nodes" - meaning, remove the current state filter. The workflow: current time will tell you the time the workflow state was changed to reviewed. Commented Jul 8, 2012 at 9:05
  • If ONLY you want to show the date for the reviewed state, then you can suppress the date for non-reviewed dates using Views hooks, preprocessors and templates. Commented Jul 8, 2012 at 9:06

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