In the context module, how does the reaction Theme Page work? I am confused how to use it in my theme
I am using an Omega subtheme and want to display the Section title used in the context to show up in a region. How can I get this value to show?
You need to use a theme preprocess hook to pass the variable to the right zone template. Here's how I added it to my header zone:
function my_theme_preprocess_zone(&$vars) {
$zone = $vars['zone'];
if ('header' == $zone) {
$theme = alpha_get_theme();
// set via context module
if (isset($theme->page['section_title'])) {
$vars['section_title'] = $theme->page['section_title'];
Then in your zone--header.tpl.php file
<?php if (isset($section_title)): ?>
<div class="grid-<?php print $columns ?>">
<h1 class="section-title"><?= $section_title ?></h1>
<?php endif; ?>