The System module defines the container form element, but that form element is not documented in the Form API Reference.

When should that form element be used?

2 Answers 2


It looks like it can be used when you want to wrap a part of the form in a div, for example to be able to add some classes to it.

Some examples from core are the following:

  • field_default_form()

    // Also aid in theming of field widgets by rendering a classified container.
    $addition[$field_name] = array(
      '#type' => 'container',
      '#attributes' => array(
        'class' => array(
         'field-type-' . drupal_html_class($field['type']),
         'field-name-' . drupal_html_class($field_name),
         'field-widget-' . drupal_html_class($instance['widget']['type']),
      '#weight' => $instance['widget']['weight'],
  • node_filter_form()

    $form['filters']['status'] = array(
      '#type' => 'container',
      '#attributes' => array('class' => array('clearfix')),
      '#prefix' => ($i ? '<div class="additional-filters">' . t('and where') . '</div>' : ''),
    $form['filters']['status']['filters'] = array(
      '#type' => 'container',
      '#attributes' => array('class' => array('filters')),
  • search_form()

    $form['basic'] = array(
      '#type' => 'container',
      '#attributes' => array('class' => array('container-inline')),

Forms in Drupal 6 often used #prefix and #suffix on the first/last element to do this; this is a lot better because it is easier to add additional items or move them around.

I could use this in a few places in my own contributed modules, actually. ;)

  • container type also implies a nesting level in form_state's input / values.
    – jonhattan
    Commented Sep 15, 2013 at 9:54
  • 2
    No, it does not. Only when explicitly specified as #tree => TRUE, the default is FALSE.
    – Berdir
    Commented Sep 15, 2013 at 13:19
  • Ok, sorry. By casuality I was just adding a container in a field widget form and observed the nesting in $form_state. After your comment, I realized $element['tree'] comes as true. Thanks :)
    – jonhattan
    Commented Sep 15, 2013 at 13:31
  • Ah, yes, field widgets are always within a language and delta key, within that, they might be repeated, so #tree => TRUE is forced on them, yes.
    – Berdir
    Commented Sep 15, 2013 at 19:01

In D6, there were often times when you would need to add a <div> around a FAPI element (for example with #ahah / #ajax), so container is a more consistent solution in regards to the Forms API to this common pattern than adding a wrapper div using #prefix/#suffix.

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