I have a site, where I want to alter the form of the image widget.

I have a admin theme and overlay activated. The Admin theme is set to the default 'seven' theme from the core (V7.14)

Now I want to write

function seven_image_widget($vars){
    $vars['element']['alt']['#title'] = 'Foo';
    return theme_image_widget($vars);

If I add this in the template.php of seven theme, it works, if I put it in my custom theme, it does not work. Can I access this theme hook of seven theme from my theme in any way? I don't want to change the core themes code.

1 Answer 1


I found it myself. If made a subtheme of seven (named sevensub) with just this special function in template.php

function sevensub_image_widget($vars){
    $vars['element']['alt']['#title'] = 'Foo';
    return theme_image_widget($vars);

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