I would like to achieve a behaviour like this:
At the bottom of the screen there are thumbnails. Above them is a big image styled for 800x600 which changes after clicking a thumbnail. When the user clicks on the big image, then an overlay with lightbox opens and the image is not 800x600 but full size, scaled to screen. There are working Next and Previous buttons on the lightbox (not necessarily linked to the underlying thumbnails gallery).
How to achieve it? I am interested in a solution working either out of the box or having clear tweak instructions. Any gallery module and any lightbox will do, as long as they are compatible and have next/previous buttons working.
So far I tested Views Galleriffic and Lightbox2 and Colorbox, using patch from here and I managed to open the big image in original size using lightbox2 and colorbox. However, Previous and Next buttons are not working in either case.