I have two content types. 1. Lecture 2. Notes

Notes have an entity reference field which references lecture. Different users create different notes each referencing to a lecture.

Now, How do I display note created by user on lectures page.

1 Answer 1


I know how to do it with Views and Panels modules. First you need to create two Views:

  1. First one is Lecture_view create a block and add fields you want to display(Title, body, most important - Content: Nid and any other fields your Content type has).
  2. Second one is Notes view, create same block but fields for notes to display, and also in a Contextual filters menu add new filter (Content) Content: Nid

Now you should go to Lecture view and in Advanced menu, click on theme information link, and you need to create template file, find row with Field Content: Nid and create one of suggested fields, something like (views-view-field--conversations--page--nid-1.tpl.php) in /sites/all/themes/YOURTHEMENAME/views/YOURVIEWNAME(lecture_view--block)/YOURTEMPLATEFILE(views-view-field--conversations--page--nid-1.tpl.php) in this file you will past code from theme view, its something similar to

<?php print render($output); ?>

you need to add one more thing embed that views:

<?php print views_embed_view('notes', $display_id='default', $row->nid); ?>

your contextual filter should work, and now you can add this view to your Panel to display, in Panel menu.

Maybe this is not the best way to do this

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