I could really use some help with this one. Long story short, I have a contextual filter which pulls the taxonomy term from the url (2nd position).

For example: if I'm at walldamp/drupal/acoustics, it will pull all the nodes with the tag "acoustics".

Here's the problem: Drupal doesn't read path alias's. The actual address for walldamp/drupal/acoustics, is something like walldamp/node/59. So if I have an article tagged 59, it works.

I do not want to change all my tag's to the node number, because this needs to be really user friendly. How can I get my contextual filter to read the url displayed, or is there another work around?

Thank you.

1 Answer 1


How have your configured your contextual filter? I have the following configuration and it's working fine for me:

  1. Contextual filters: Has taxonomy term ID You also need to specify validation criteria for this filter, my setting is:

    a) Specify validation criteria = Taxonomy Term
    b) Select the correct vocabulary.
    c) Set Filter value type to Term name converted to term ID

  2. Create a relationshiop of Content: Taxonomy terms on node

    a) Select the correct vocabulary.
    b) Set Require this relationship to true

You may also wan't to use Has taxonomy term ID width depth if you have nested terms in your vocabulary.

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