Within a form build in a custom module trough the form api I'm using pieces of text (eula, help, hints) of which some of them need to be editable by my client (editor role).
For example:
$form['eula'] = array(
'#type' => 'radios',
'#title' => t('This text need to be editable. I agree to be bound by bla bla bla.'),
'#options' => array('Ja'=>'Ja / Yes'),
'#required' => TRUE,
I want to facilitate a central point where those text strings (like #title) can be edited and a way I can retrieve them in this custom module.
What's best practice for this scenario to do so? Create a content type for this or perhaps use variable_set/get?
Basically I want one location where my client can edit all those text strings. To use a content type for this and node_load() everytime feels a bit too much.
Thanks in advance