I recognize there is a similar question here:
but I've got Eclipse and XDebugger setup so I can see the variables and I am still stuck.
I provide the variables below, please note field_foo
is a field the system has taken care of properly without my interfering, after the user submits it, field_bar
is a field I want to change the submitted value of, it has the value 303031
when the system handles it from form submission, where the variables show "value 300501
" is my attempt to edit that value - clearly I'm editing something wrong)
$edit Array [37]
uid 63
field_foo Array [1]
und Array [1]
0 Array [1]
value asdasd
length 6
0 61
1 73
2 64
3 61
4 73
5 64
field_bar Array [2]
und Array [1]
0 Array [1]
value 303031
value 300501
Here is my code to try and set it...
function MY_MODULE_user_insert(&$edit, $account, $category) {
$newBarValue = 300501;
$edit[field_bar][value] = $newBarValue;
I don't know if this is the case for all field_data_field Core fields but I had to use the following to get it to work:
$edit[field_bar][und][0][value] = $newBarValue;
This might be unique as I am working on someone else's work atm.