I have this design:

enter image description here

E.G. Click "Structure" header, open contents and come img.

Created content type and installed Views. Seperate image, header, content fields via block.

enter image description here

Like our design but site now static. I want dynamic structure but i don't know. Well, how can i do it?

1 Answer 1


You can able to do it using "Views Module" and "Views Slideshow Module" . Below Steps may help you.

  • Create a Content Type.
  • Add all necessary fields.
  • Create content
  • Create a view that lists all above content and use views field option to display above content type fields.
  • Select the Views Style as "Views Slideshow".
  • Configure settings and select pager as title field.
  • That's it ! With little bit of CSS and Positioning you are good to go :-)

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