I migrated a Drupal 7 site from 1 server to another. Let's call the old site URL http://oldsite.com and the new site url http://newsite.com. I have copied over the code base and the database. The site displays correctly on http://newsite.com, however all the links point to http://oldsite.com. The only way to access the links are to type the URL in the browser (e.g. http://newsite.com/admin).
I have read lot of forums and done the following:
- Set the $base_url in settings.php
- Cleared cache in Config > Development > Performance
- Cleared the cache table in DB
- Ran update.php
- Disabled clean urls
Nothing has worked. Someone suggested changing an entry in system table. Don't know which entry they were talking about.
Can anyone suggest the correct steps and perhaps an explanation of why I keep getting the redirects?
I have also referred to Moving a site, links/admin do not work.