I am building a restaurant application which would have a search functionality, and when somebody searches of restaurants for a zip code, it would return the data. The data would be the name of the restaurant, the description and the map. When a user is adding the restaurant, I am using address field and geofield to get the latitude and longitude, so getting the maps up and running isn't an issue now.

However, I trying to create the search view, but I am unable to create a view which has a path, and which would display the title, description and then the map.

ex: Title | Description
    MAP1(map for first restaurant)

    Title | Description

Can somebody tell me how would I build it?

The modules I am using to build this are geofield, geophp, geocoder, addressfield, openlayers, views, ctools and libraries.

1 Answer 1


Step 1

Install and enable the Geofield Map module. Create a view with the Geofield (latitude and longitude) fields with a contextual filter node ID. Change Formatter to Geofield Map.


Step 2

Install and enable the Views Field View module. Create another view for the restaurant details. For viewing the map, you can select Global: view in the field. You then select which view to embed in that field and give the arguments it requires in the field settings.


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