How to perform join with multiple columns using db_select? Any help?

Here below is the sample, which I'm looking for.

SELECT * FROM digitaliq_flds_by_node a
JOIN digitaliq_fld_category b ON
  a.fld_id = b.fld_id AND
  a.fld_collection_id = b.fld_collection_id AND
  a.fld_group_name = b.fld_group_name

2 Answers 2


You can use the following code.

$query = db_select('digitaliq_flds_by_node', 'a')->fields('a');
$alias = $query->join('digitaliq_fld_category', 'b', 'a.fld_id = %alias.fld_id AND a.fld_collection_id = %alias.fld_collection_id AND a.fld_group_name = %alias.fld_group_name');
$terms = $query->execute();

Calls to SelectQuery::join() (like SelectQuery::leftJoin(), SelectQuery::innerJoin(), and SelectQuery::addJoin()) aren't chain-able because those methods don't return a SelectQuery object, but the actual alias used for the join. If you execute the following code, you would get an error.

$query = db_select('digitaliq_flds_by_node', 'a')
  ->join('digitaliq_fld_category', 'b', 'a.fld_id = %alias.fld_id AND a.fld_collection_id = %alias.fld_collection_id AND a.fld_group_name = %alias.fld_group_name')

Strings in PHP are not objects nor they define an execute() method.

To verify the code is executing the right SQL query, cast $query to a string, and print it. You will get the SQL query that would be executed from your code.

$query = db_select('digitaliq_flds_by_node', 'a')->fields('a');
$alias = $query->join('digitaliq_fld_category', 'b', 'a.fld_id = %alias.fld_id AND a.fld_collection_id = %alias.fld_collection_id AND a.fld_group_name = %alias.fld_group_name');
print $query;

With that code, I get the following output.

{digitaliq_flds_by_node} a
INNER JOIN {digitaliq_fld_category} b ON a.fld_id = b.fld_id AND a.fld_collection_id = b.fld_collection_id AND a.fld_group_name = b.fld_group_name

Try this

$query = db_select('digitaliq_flds_by_node', 'a');
$query->join('digitaliq_fld_category', 'b', 'a.fld_id = b.fld_id');
$query->condition('a.fld_collection_id', 'b.fld_collection_id' '=');
$query->condition('a.fld_group_name', 'b.fld_group_name', '=');
  • 2
    The code you are using doesn't work: leftJoin() doesn't return a SelectQuery object. The code is calling condition() for something that is not an object.
    – avpaderno
    Commented Dec 19, 2012 at 8:59
  • In other words join is not chain able Commented Dec 19, 2012 at 9:30
  • @Mathankumar That is the word I was looking for: chain-able calls. :)
    – avpaderno
    Commented Dec 19, 2012 at 9:33
  • 1
    Still the answer is incorrect. check the answer by kiamlaluno Commented Dec 19, 2012 at 9:33
  • Now its fine. Additional note, by default the operator for condition is equal to(=), so its not necessary to specify them. Commented Dec 19, 2012 at 10:18

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