I often check for updates to my modules using drush pm-update
. However, this check does not check for succeeding major versions. For example, if I am using Mollom 1.1, drush pm-update
will not alert me that there is a 2.3 version available as well. Is there a way to tell drush to give me all possible updates, including major versions?
1I did a quick check, and it doesn't seem there is a command for that. It would be possible to create a new command, or a Drush script.– avpaderno ♦Commented Jan 5, 2013 at 16:17
1 Answer
You can explicitly ask Drush to tell you all of the available releases for a specific project using the pm-releases command:
$ drush pm-releases mollom
Release Date Status
7.x-2.x-dev 2012-Dec-19 Development
7.x-2.3 2012-Oct-22 Supported, Recommended
7.x-1.x-dev 2011-Dec-20 Development
7.x-1.1 2011-Jul-09 Supported, Installed
However, what you want to do -- to have pm-update(code) automatically notify you when there is a newer major release -- is not supported. I have opened a feature request in the Drush issue queue for you: http://drupal.org/node/1880970
Regarding kiamlaluno's comment, you can force the update using pm-download:
$ drush dl mollom-7.x-2.3
$ drush updatedb
I think that it would be more difficult to write a script to check for updates with pm-releases than it would be to enhance pm-updatecode to show this information. If you'd like to help out, please post a patch at the issue I linked to above.
Thanks, it's good to know that this feature doesn't currently exist rather than I'm just using Drush wrong. Commented Jan 6, 2013 at 1:54