The profile under user/n will only show the profile picture and the username.
I´m using an Omega subtheme. I´ve copied and pasted the default user-profile.tpl.php file, deleted everything and added these two lines, hoping that one of them would work:
print drupal_render(field_view_field('profile2', $profile['main'], 'field_nombrecompleto1'));
print $field_profile_nombre_completo['value'];
The second line refers to the original core profile field, and the first one refers to the imported field (I´ve imported using the migrate module in D6, before I´ve upgraded to D7).
None of the fields gets printed out. I´ve added this at the top of the template:
print "<pre>";
$vars = get_defined_vars();
print "</pre>";
And nothing happend. So I´ve added that code to the top of my page.tpl file, and it appeared the whole list of variables. At the very top it prints:
[template_file] => sites/all/themes/liga/templates/page.tpl.php
And at some points it actually recognizes the (core profile) field:
[content] => Array
[content] => Array
[system_main] => Array
[field_profile_nombre_completo] => Array
[#theme] => field
[#weight] => 0
[#title] => Apellido y Nombres
[#access] => 1
[#label_display] => hidden
[#view_mode] => full
[#language] => und
[#field_name] => field_profile_nombre_completo
[#field_type] => text
I´ve then deleted everything at my user-profile template and printed just XXXXXX and it didn´t printed out. It stills print the profile image and the username.
Now I have two issues here: How to customize the profile template (user-profile.tpl.php) because it´s not recognizing the file inside my theme folder, and how to print profile2 fields information inside the user profile.
Hope anyone can give me some insight or clue. THANKS!!!