I want to make a calendar view that will show when music teachers are available, so that students can register online and attend a lesson. The courses have all the same duration which is 2 hours. For this, I created a content type called "Lessons" (Fields: title, description, teacher name, teacher email, date/time) and a content type using node reference module for registrations to each specific lesson. In that way students can register online for music lessons.
There are 2 problems with this:
How can I have a fixed 2 hour duration in the day of the calendar view that won't let students register for more or less time than the two hours? I can not just hide the time fileds because the system must show them the time that the lesson takes place?
I want to allow just one user register for each lesson and then the system must show that lesson as booked. To be more specific, I want the calendar to show the whole day seperated in 2-hour periods and which periods are free. When a user registers for a lesson, the lesson changes color (I can do this with css) and is marked as reserved so that the "next" user can only register for another of the open lessons and so on.
Any ideas?